Vi editor cheat sheet

A quick cheat sheet for the vi editor

Here is a quick cheat sheet for the vi text editor:

  • There are two modes: Command and Insert.

  • The word INSERT appears in the bottom left corner of the screen when that mode is active.

  • If you’re not sure what mode you’re in, press Esc to go into Command mode.

  • To move the cursor in command mode:

    • H (left)
    • J (right)
    • K (up)
    • L (right)
  • Press I to activate Insert mode.

  • When finished, go to Command mode and then type:

    • :wd to save
    • :q! to discard changes


Like the Spanish Inquisition, the vi editor shows up unexpectedly. I’ve seen it appear when:

  • Having to resolve merge conflicts in git
  • Working with console windows in cloud environments

Because I don’t normally use the editor, I tend to forget how to save changes and close it.

Vital statistics

  • Last update: 12 May 20224: Refactored for the new site.
  • First post: 21 September 2017