Qualities for successful tech writers

A few qualities worth further meditation

A few years ago, I interviewed for a tech writing role.

While chatting with two team members and their manager, I asked, “What single quality would help someone succeed in this role?”

Everyone thought for a moment before replying.

The teammates said, respectively: Curiosity and Humility.

The manager said, “Kindness, which is different than Nice.”

I like asking this question in interviews because it’s not one many people plan for. The answers are often unscripted and can lead to unexpected points of clarity.

I really liked those answers; I felt them resonate.

I didn’t get that particular role, but I learned something. I value the experience.

Compassionate tech values

At about the same time, I coincidentally ran across April Wensel’s Compassionate tech values:

  • Humility > Ego
  • Inclusion > Elitism
  • Cooperation > Competition
  • Learning > Being smart
  • Being a mentor > Being a “rockstar”

Again, these resonated.

They continue to resonate, especially when I find myself in environments that, um…., prefer other values.

I try to hold myself accountable by reminding myself of the values that resonate within me.

Your mileage may vary.

Vital statistics

  • First post: 10 June 2024