Restart the engines

A new version is afoot; here are the whats, whys, and wherefores.

Welcome back to the ongoing work-in-progress. I’m blowing off the dust, sweeping away the cobwebs, and setting up new things.

This site serves as a practical portfolio and personal knowledgebase. It provides writing samples and illustrates my approach to technical writing. It also shares knowledge and lessons learned during my technical adventures.

I hope the content is engaging, practical, and has at least a bit of value. (I’m still trying to chase down the various typos, so you’ll have to forgive a few rough edges.)

The initial version of the site was built using MKDocs, a static site generator used to create websites from Markdown.

The new version uses Hugo, which I find to be a bit more capable and extensible than MkDocs. (That’s a personal opinion; your mileage may vary.)

This post marks the beginning of the new journey. I’m using this to learn a new theme and to refine my technical skills/knowledge.

Initially, I plan to mine my personal notes for content. I’m also working on backend improvements to improve discoverability, reduce maintenance, and so on.

Future posts will discuss various aspects of the process. For now, I’m working on the general site structure and initial content.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. Hail and well met!