Posts in 2024
  • Bingo card redux

    Monday, July 08, 2024 in Thoughts

    So…a couple of weeks ago, I posted about a family event that unexpectedly upended my work schedule. It was a positive event (child birth), one that got me thinking about work/life balance, integrity, personal priorities, and so on. Last …

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  • Six week progress report

    Friday, June 14, 2024 in Journal

    It’s been several weeks since I began reimplementing the website. It’s been an interesting experience to say the least. It’s fun to create something new and watch it come together. It’s also a little aggravating to find things …

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  • Is Phoenix on your bingo card?

    Tuesday, June 11, 2024 in Thoughts

    When I woke up this morning, I did not have “Visit Phoenix, Arizona” on my bingo card. Especially this close to Summer, when temperatures are over 100 degrees F. No, I had “drink coffee,” “play with cats,” …

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  • Qualities for successful tech writers

    Monday, June 10, 2024 in Thoughts

    A few years ago, I interviewed for a tech writing role. While chatting with two team members and their manager, I asked, “What single quality would help someone succeed in this role?” Everyone thought for a moment before replying. The …

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  • The Compleat Klingon Coder

    Saturday, June 08, 2024 in Trifles

    “Reliable” sources tell me these quotes were overheard in (or near) Quark’s bar on Freecloud (Alpha Doradus): What is this talk of software ‘releases’? Klingons do not ‘release’ software; our software …

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  • Initial migration complete

    Friday, May 10, 2024 in Journal

    The site has been been updated to a new look. It has more content and a more professional pipeline. I have to admit that I was a little worried when starting the migration process, even though I’ve been working with (or near) the new toolset …

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  • Restart the engines

    Wednesday, May 01, 2024 in Journal

    Welcome back to the ongoing work-in-progress. I’m blowing off the dust, sweeping away the cobwebs, and setting up new things. This site serves as a practical portfolio and personal knowledgebase. It provides writing samples and illustrates my …

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Posts in 2017
  • First post: Don't panic

    Wednesday, January 25, 2017 in Journal

    Choose your greeting: Hail and well met! Greetings, lifeform. Goooood Eeeeevvvening. Hello troubleshooter. Buh-doop beep? BLAAAT! Oh. It’s you. It’s been a looong time. How’ve you been? After many promises, multiple unfinished …

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